a photograph of the mountains cannot restore your sight;

i wish i had taken a closer look at the mountains when i drove through them or flew above them. now they are gone, a memory, a blur. i know i saw them, i can sense their shape and form in my mind, there’s a hint of texture, even. the faded greens, covered in a film of dust from the earth burnt by the sun. but these mountains, they are gone.

memory, sight giving out on you.

blind becoming.

a photograph of the mountains cannot restore your sight.

it doesn’t burn your retina in the same way that movement does with sweeping grace.

there are no rustling shrubs in the frame and the birds are gone – were there any birds at all?

and who’s to say in which direction the clouds above them went, what shape they took when they finally disappeared?

i wish i had taken a closer look at the mountains.

i would’ve opened my mouth and closed my eyes, for a while.

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