how to be quiet;

close your eyes. keep them still underneath your eyelids. part your lips. breathe as you normally wouldn’t. do not let your fingers wander. let the ink dry. do not pick up the pen. leave the page blank. close the door. shut the window. draw the blinds. turn off the lights. do not hide. do not follow the fragrance. let the mercury rise and fall. do not tip the pendulum. gather your notes. undress yourself. turn off the water. let the anchor down. do not ruffle any feathers. keep them close to your skin. beware of your heart. move slowly. avoid the third floorboard. tuck your hair behind your ears. let it fall back to your face. scatter the ashes. make some tea. (very black.) use the good china you do not own. do not let the spoon touch the cup. cross your legs. uncross your arms. place the cup under the window. warm your hands above the steam. let the tea cool down. open your eyes.

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