
sometimes she forgets that he can see. she forgets that he was born with eyes, that he was blessed with able eyesight, and that he is capable of putting his vision to good use. just because his eyes aren’t as sharp as hers does not mean that he is blind to everything around him. when she points toward something and he looks far beyond her directions it is perhaps a blessing more than it is a curse.


she was fourteen, and she crossed her legs. she was very feminine, but thought otherwise. one summer, she was sitting on a bench in a metro platform with a boy and another girl. the other girl looked at her and said: you should not cross your legs, it will screw up your back, and i should know, i am a ballet dancer. the girl heard her, but kept her legs crossed. moments before, the boy had been sitting quietly next to her and his knee had touched her leg—it would be the beginning of a wonderful love story between them, and she knew she had to turn a blind eye at the reproof.

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